Join Black Sheep Collective for this two part masterclass where you will learn and explore a range of devising techniques and challenges. Participants will be invited to generate ideas and create new theatrical material that may be used for future projects or collaborations.
Perfect opportunity to learn new skills or hone in on your own creative practice. The session will open up collaboration in a creative space where you can make and learn. No previous experience required.
Delivered by Director, Georgia Tillery Randak. Georgia inspires collaboration in the work that she creates with actors and communities, inviting ideas and points of view from all.
Please wear something comfortable and you might want to bring a bottle of water.
Black Sheep Collective CIC
Black Sheep Collective provides theatre and performance workshops for children, young people and adults. The sessions are affordable, inclusive and remove the pressure of stage school provision. Black Sheep Collective nurtures creative expression and supports participants in developing their skills and confidence in authentic collaborative opportunities. The groups will work towards termly sharing's and annual performances.
Tickets for this masterclass are sold by Black Sheep Collective via EEQU
Adults - £40
Concessions - £20
Bursary Tickets are available