Adrian Berry’s acclaimed sell-out production tells the tale of a young David Bowie obsessive.
Martin is a boy with problems – an illness no-one understands and a head full of sound and vision. So when an unexpected gift arrives on his birthday, Martin embarks on a thrilling journey in the footsteps of his obsession, leading him to discover some long – hidden truths about himself. What follows will change his life forever...
Powerful and touching, music and magic realism collide in this darkly funny and moving tour-de-force solo show featuring Alex Walton and the voice of comedian Rob Newman. With a blistering Bowie soundtrack, the life of the pop fan is dissected in this tale of unnatural teenage wildlife.
This brand new and updated production sold out runs in London, Edinburgh and Germany and now comes to Stantonbury Theatre for one night only.
“joyfully hilarious.... keeps you hooked the whole time. Completely beautiful and moving” A Younger Theatre
“Accomplished, totally engaging, Alex Walton shines” British Theatre Guide
Tickets £15
Concessions £13
Fri 18 Jul
UK’s #1 and most dynamic The Eagles tribute band!
Sat 12 Apr
All Floyd return for the 50th Anniversary of Wish You Were Here!
Fri 21 Feb
Bathsheba Everdene plays with hearts to devastating and dramatic effect.
Fri 5 Sep
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Oasis' ablum with OASIZ!