Following her grandmother’s death, a girl faces the overwhelming task of clearing out the basement. She discovers a series of mysterious tape recordings made by her grandmother. As she hears these tapes for the first time, things start to unravel...
Twin Peaks meets Serial in this award-winning New Zealand mystery, which combines the immediacy of physical performance with the imaginative capabilities of audio recording. Squeezed close together among the detritus of a cluttered basement, audience and performer face the waves of secrets and memories that emerge.
★★★★ “unearths a family secret that blurs the lines between reality, memory and much’ll be grateful if you’re sat with your back against the wall.” The Skinny
★★★★ “Unnerving from the earliest moments, the piece never goes where you expect and this quality of a constantly shifting narrative combined with a quiet humour is what makes the piece so riveting.” The Reviews Hub
Presented by Zanetti Productions
Suitable for ages 14+. Contains strong language and violent content
Tickets £13
Concessions £11
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